A three-wheeled motorcycle, also known as a trike, is a vehicle that has three wheels, two at the front or the rear and one at the back. They are typically smaller and more maneuverable than traditional motorcycles, which makes them a popular choice for people who are looking for a more stable and comfortable riding experience.
There are several different types of three-wheeled motorcycles, including:
Reverse trike: This type of trike has two wheels at the front and one at the back. They are typically more stable than other types of trikes and are often used for touring and long-distance riding.
Delta trike: This type of trike has one wheel at the front and two at the back. They are typically more maneuverable than other types of trikes and are often used for sports and racing.
Tilting trike: This type of trike has two wheels at the front and one at the back, but the front wheels are mounted on a tilting mechanism that allows the trike to lean into turns like a traditional motorcycle.
Three-wheeled motorcycles typically have a single seat or a bench seat for the rider and a passenger. They can be powered by a gasoline engine, electric motor, or a combination of both. Some models are also equipped with features such as power steering, automatic transmission, and ABS brakes.